Grower Information

Welcome to our Grower Infomation page! Here you'll find information on what it takes to become a new grower and if you're already a grower, how to become a better grower. If there are topics you'd like to see addressed, just e-mail us.

If you're interested in contracting to produce poultry for the company in Northwest Alabama, contact the Delmar office at 205-486-2274.

Or if you're near Hattiesburg, Mississippi you can contact the Waynesboro office at 601-735-4861. 

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Summer Ventilation

A proud member of the
U.S. Poultry & Egg
A proud member of the
National Chicken
A proud member of the
Alabama Poultry & Egg
A proud member of the
Mississippi Poultry
A proud member of the
Women's Business
National Council

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Site comments: webmaster@marshalldurbin.com